DAY 1 | THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, 2024

Opening Ceremony:

– 8:30 – 9:00    : Welcome guests, Welcoming music performance

– 9:00 – 9:10    : The Organzing Board introduces the guests

– 9:10 – 9:25  :   Opening Speech by the Representative of the Organizing Board

– 9:25 – 9:35    : Directive Speech by Vietnam Industry Agency – Ministry of Industry and Trade

– 9:35 – 9:55    : Remarks by representatives of domestic and international businesses

– 9:55 – 10:00: Thank-you Speech by the Organizing Board and Ribbon-Cutting Invitation

– 10:00 – 11:00: Guide VIP guests around the Exhibition

Exhibition Opening:

– 10:30 – 17:30: The exhibition is open to visitors

DAY 2 | FRIDAY, JUNE 14th, 2024

– 09:15 – 11:45: Specialized conference on the topic: “Development of the global supply chain of the automotive industry in the context of climate change adaptation”.

Hosted by Vietnam Association for Supporting Industries (VASI) and presentations by Vietnam Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (VAMA), Transport Development and Strategy Institute (Ministry of Transport), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and exhibiting companies.

– AutoExpo business matching takes place from 14:00 – 16:30 at Hanoi International Exhibition Center – I.C.E Hanoi, Friendship Cultural Palace

– From 9:00 – 17:30: The exhibition is open to visitors.

DAY 3 | SATURDAY, JUNE 15th, 2024

– AutoExpo business matching takes place from 9:30 – 11:30 and from 14:00 – 16:30 at Hanoi International Exhibition Center – I.C.E Hanoi, Friendship Cultural Palace

– Introduction of new products, techniques and technologies from 14:00 – 17:00

– From 9:00 – 17:30: The exhibition is open to visitors.

DAY 4 | SUNDAY, JUNE 16 th,2024

– From 9:00 – 17:30: The exhibition is open to visitors

– 17:30: End of Exhibition

Specialized seminars

JUNE, 2024

Topic 1: “Development of the global supply chain of the automotive industry in the context of climate change adaptation
View content of speeches
Time: 9:00 a.m. on Friday, June 14th, 2024
Venue: Hanoi International Exhibition Center – I.C.E Hanoi, Friendship Cultural Palace

Topic 2: “What opportunities for Supporting Industry Products to reach Automobile and Motorcycle Manufacturers and Assemblers in Vietnam?”
View content of speeches
Time: Updating
Venue: Updating

The seminar will take place under the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s sponsorship and guidance, with speeches delivered by:

  • Industry Agency
  • Vietnam Institute of Industrial and Trade Policy and Strategy (Ministry of Industry and Trade)
  • Department of Tax Policy (Ministry of Finance)
  • Vietnam Association for Supporting Industries (VASI)
  • Vietnam Society of Automotive Engineers (VSAE) with presentations by domestic and international enterprises in automobile and motorcycle industries

Topic 1:
“Development of the global supply chain of the automotive industry in the context of climate change adaptation”

Content of speeeches
1. Transition to environmentally friendly automobiles in Vietnam
Representative of Vietnam Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (VAMA)
2. Government regulations related to the road map for the transition to environmentally friendly automobiles in Vietnam
Representative of Transport Development and Strategy Institute (Ministry of Transport)
3. Requirements for sustainable development in the automotive industry in some export markets
Representative of UNIDO Vietnam
4. Global supply chain of the automotive industry in Vietnam
Representative of Vietnam Association for Supporting Industries (VASI)
5. Speeches and presentations by exhibiting companies

Business Matchmaking

Attractive opportunity for sellers and buyers to directly exchange information, find out the products in reality, explore the potential for entering and developing the market.


Reality Program for Market Survey

Arrange delegations to visit companies, factories, and related product trading areas in Vietnam. Help exhibitors evaluate opportunities and challenges in order to proactively prepare for business and investment solutions.


Product Introduction & Demonstration

Useful activity helping enterprises to double opportunities of approaching customers and attracting media attention, expanding market coverage.